Wolfram Hannemann
Filmkritiker / Freelance Journalist / Filmemacher

Wolfram Hannemann | Talstr. 11 | D-70825 Korntal | Germany | Phone: +49 (0) 711 838 06 49 | Fax: +49 (0) 711 8 38 05 18
e-mail: info (at) wolframhannemann.de

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Film Reviews
German Newspaper “Stuttgarter Nachrichten”
(Film reviews for cinema releases as well as film festival reports as a freelancer since 2007 - For an overview of all reviews and articles click here)

German Newspaper “Stuttgarter Zeitung”
(Film reviews for cinema releases as a freelancer since 2016 - For an overview of all reviews and articles click here)

German Newspaper “Stuttgarter Kinder-Zeitung”
(Film reviews for cinema releases as a freelancer since 2017 - For an overview of all reviews and articles click here)

Schauburg Programmheft - The monthly magazine of the Schauburg cinema in Karlsruhe
(Film reviews for both print and online editions as a freelancer since March 2011 - For an overview of all online editions click here)

Magazine “Video”
(DVD reviews as a freelancer from 2001-2002)

Articles for Special Interest Magazines

  • Heimkinomagazin "audiovision", Cybermedia Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
    • Atmos für Anfänger (Issue 12/2020), 13.11.2020
    • Zwei Kinowelten (Issue 02/2021), 22.01.2021
    • Old School (Issue 03/2021), 26.02.2021
    • Tonaler Feinschliff (Issue 05+06/2021), 30.04.2021
    • Visueller Feinschliff (Issue 10/2021), 15.09.2021
    • Der Dolby-Flüsterer (Issue 12/2021), 12.11.2021
    • Das Riesending (Issue 02/2022), 20.01.2022
    • Disneymania (Issue 03/2022), 25.02.2022
    • Black Box (Issue 07/2022), 10.06.2022
    • Vienna Calling (Issue 09/2022), 19.08.2022
    • Breit & krumm (Issue 11/2022), 14.10.2022
    • Breites Wochenende (Issue 02/2023), 20.01.2023
    • London Calling (Issue 03/2023), 24.02.2023
    • Atmos für alle (Issue 09/2023), 16.08.2023
    • Last Man Standing (Issue 11/2023), 13.10.2023
    • Objekte im Bett (Issue 02/2024), 19.01.2024
    • Kultourhelden (Issue 04/2024), 22.03.2024
    • Black is back (Issue 05/2024), 26.04.2024

  • Rewind Magazine, Projected Picture Trust (UK)
    • The best of both worlds (Issue 176), Autumn 2022
    • This is...Zimmerama (Issue 177), Winter 2022-2023
PR articles
"Der Kurier", Karlsruhe:
Kleinod in der Kinolandschaft (turn to page 14), March 22, 2013

Film Festival Activities
1. Todd-AO 70mm Filmfestival, Schauburg Karlsruhe, October 2005
(Data research)

2. Todd-AO 70mm Filmfestival, Schauburg Karlsruhe, October 2006
(Data research, film introductions in German and English)

3. Todd-AO 70mm Filmfestival, Schauburg Karlsruhe, October 2007
(Data research, film introductions in German and English)

1. Widescreen Weekend, Schauburg Karlsruhe, June 2008
(Data research)

4. Todd-AO 70mm Filmfestival, Schauburg Karlsruhe, October 2008
(Data research, film introductions in German and English)

15. Bradford International Filmfestival (BIFF), Bradford, England, March 2009
(Film introductions in English)
    ...As always the weekend featured a variety of speakers and platform contributions. A number of films were introduced by Wolfram Hannemann, whose excellent in depth and contextual introductions I thought, without wishing to appear too critical of past introductions, were a significant step up from the introductions to films I had heard in previous years....
    Mark Trompeteler in "Cinema Technology", June 2009 (Vol. 22 No.2)
2. Widescreen Weekend, Schauburg Karlsruhe, June 2009
(Data research, film introductions in German)

5. Todd-AO 70mm Filmfestival, Schauburg Karlsruhe, October 2009
(Data research, film introductions in German and English)

16. Bradford International Filmfestival (BIFF), Bradford, England, March 2010
(Contributing Editor for the Festival Brochure, Film introductions in English)
3. Widescreen Weekend "Sensurround", Schauburg Karlsruhe, June 2010
(Data research, film introductions in German and English, presentation)

6. Todd-AO 70mm Filmfestival, Schauburg Karlsruhe, October 2010
(Film Program Consultant, Data research, film introductions in German and English)

17. Bradford International Filmfestival (BIFF), Bradford, England, March 2011
(Contributing Editor for the Festival Brochure, Film introductions in English)

Beyond - 3Days of Dimension - 3D-Filmfestival, Schauburg Karlsruhe, May 2011
(Data research, Film Introductions in German)

7. Todd-AO 70mm Filmfestival, Schauburg Karlsruhe, October 2011
(Film Program Consultant, Data research, film introductions in German and English)

18. Bradford International Filmfestival (BIFF), Bradford, England, April 2012
(Film introductions in English)

8. Todd-AO 70mm Filmfestival, Schauburg Karlsruhe, October 2012
(Data research, film introductions in German and English)

19. Bradford International Filmfestival (BIFF), Bradford, England, May 2013
(Film introductions in English)
      ...the evening film was THE SOUND OF MUSIC. It was introduced by another regular delegate, the German film critic Wolfram Hannemann. He delivered another one of his detailed, fascinating and amusing introductions...
      Mark Trompeteler in "Cinema Technology", December 2013 (Vol. 26 No.4)

  • HELLO, DOLLY!   Video featuring the intro

9. Todd-AO 70mm Filmfestival, Schauburg Karlsruhe, September 2013
(Data research, film introductions in German and English)

  • 20. Bradford International Filmfestival (BIFF), Bradford, England, April 2014
    (Film introductions in Englisch)
        "...The film was introduced by Wolfram Hannemann who made special reference to the film director’s and distributor’s original request to cinemas on how to correctly exhibit the fantastic overture sequence to this film. The director Robert Wise, was aware that in exhibiting “roadshow” movies, cinemas played the overture music with the screen curtains closed and the house lights fully on. He did not want the fidelity of the overture music to this film compromised or part muffled by closed curtains and he couldn’t show a blank screen if the curtains were open for the overture. He asked Saul Bass, the brilliant titles designer, to produce an abstract image that could be projected as the overture played. The instructions sent out with the prints at the time specified that the curtains should open and the abstract image be projected onto the screen with the house lights dimmed to 75% brightness during most of the overture, so that the audience would realise that this was the overture and that the film had not yet begun. The instructions specified at which exact point the lights should be dimmed fully to display that unforgettable and brilliant few seconds when the abstract image dissolves into the start of the film. This audio visual “tour de force” of this overture transition is one of the great moments in the history of cinema exhibition. Hannemann set the projection team the task of following Wise’s instructions and they delivered the showing of the overture as it should be shown - it was the start of another fabulous 70 mm screening at Bradford – which is part of what makes these annual weekends so special... ..."
        Mark Trompeteler in CINEMA TECHNOLOGY - September 2014

    10. Todd-AO 70mm Filmfestival, Schauburg Karlsruhe, October 2014
    (Data research, film introductions in German and English)
      "...historische Aushangfotos und die von Alfons Haas handgemalten Filmbanner tragen ebenso zum unverwechselbaren Flair bei wie die hintersinnig vorgetragenen Einführungen des Filmjournalisten Wolfram Hannemann..."
      Nils Daniel Peiler in FILMDIENST, Issue 2014/23

    The 2015 European Cinerama Festival Tour, Schauburg Karlsruhe, April 2015
    (Data research, Anchorman, Translator)

    11. Todd-AO 70mm Filmfestival, Schauburg Karlsruhe, October 2015
    (Data research, film introductions in German and English)

    Widescreen Weekend 2015, Bradford, England, October 2015
    (Film introduction in Englisch)

    12. Todd-AO 70mm Filmfestival, Schauburg Karlsruhe, October 2016
    (Data research, film introductions in German and English)

    Widescreen Weekend 2016, Bradford, England, October 2016
    (Film introduction in Englisch)
    Article published in "Rewind" (Number 154, Spring 2017)

    13. Todd-AO 70mm Filmfestival, Schauburg Karlsruhe, September 2017
    (Data research, film introductions in German and English)

    Widescreen Weekend 2017, Bradford, England, October 2017
    (Film introduction in English)
    • LA LA LAND

    02. Technicolor Wochenende, Schauburg Karlsruhe, May 2018
    (Data Research and Introductions)

    14. Todd-AO 70mm Filmfestival, Schauburg Karlsruhe, September 2018
    (Data Research and Introductions)

    Widescreen Weekend 2018, Bradford, England, October 2018
    (Introduction to

    03. Technicolor Wochenende, Schauburg Karlsruhe, May 2019
    (Data Research and Introductions)

    15. Todd-AO 70mm Filmfestival, Schauburg Karlsruhe, October 2019
    (Data Research and Introductions)

    04. Technicolor Wochenende, Schauburg Karlsruhe, July 2022
    (Data Research and Introductions)

    16. Todd-AO 70mm Filmfestival, Schauburg Karlsruhe, October 2022
    (Data Research and Introductions)

    05. Technicolor Wochenende, Schauburg Karlsruhe, May 2023
    (Data Research and Introductions)

    17. Todd-AO 70mm Filmfestival, Schauburg Karlsruhe, October 2023
    (Data Research and Introductions)

    • April 24, 2013: Preview of "Broken Circle" at Schauburg cinema in Karlsruhe
    • July 18, 2015: Premiere of "Heil" at Schauburg cinema in Karlsruhe
    • June 12, 2022: Book Presentation & Screening of "2001: A Space Odyssey" at Schauburg cinema in Karlsruhe

    Since June 2010 editorial services for "Schauburg Cinerama"'s Facebook page

    Special Events
    Discussion guest as Specialist for Horror Movies at "Nachtcafe", Karlsruhe, Subject: "In der Welt habt ihr Angst"

    28.04.2011 to 30.04.2011:
    Planning and executing a tour of cinemas in Stuttgart, Ludwigsburg and Kornwestheim for a delegation of the CTA (Cinema Theatre Association) from the UK. Their report can be found here

    “Laser Hotline Newsletter” (since 1992), the newsletter for customers of DVD retailer “Laser Hotline”. Print and Online Versions

    Translations (English/German)
    Dolby Laboratories, Inc. (Manuals, Flyer)

    What can I do for you?
    If you are in need of someone with a profound knowledge in motion pictures as well as cinema, you are welcome to contact me:

    info (at) wolframhannemann.de

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